[ckan-discuss] CKAN Association Proposal - Initial Discussion Meeting

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Nov 1 14:09:18 GMT 2012

Hi All,

Further to my previous email we are going to push back the meeting by 30m

*Friday 2nd at 3:30pm GMT, 11:30am EDT, 4:30pm CET*
Apologies for this late notice but we want to allow adequate space between
this meeting and the data.gov.uk Hangout at 2:30pm GMT on Friday [1] (which
I hope to be participating in strongly recommend!)



On 31 October 2012 13:39, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:

> *Hi All,*
>  I'm writing to announce an online meeting<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bhwx7n6Pvt45MTlyK0lVQRaS42ghiK28yc8LTnXhaSE/edit>this
> *Friday 2nd November at 3:00pm GMT* to discuss a proposal for a "CKAN
> Association":
> Meeting Details including Agenda<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bhwx7n6Pvt45MTlyK0lVQRaS42ghiK28yc8LTnXhaSE/edit>
> A brief background is below. Please note the idea is still at an early
> stage and this meeting is a chance to have an initial discussion.
> Please *indicate in the meeting doc if you are planning to attend*!
> Regards,
>  Rufus
> *###################*
> * *
> *CKAN Association - Draft Proposal*<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NC73k6l8oXCjKYZyZIJVXNtJgdDQV52mUeBJ4j_RWPQ/edit>
> *
> *
> *Over the last few years CKAN has seen rapid growth in terms of
> technology, deployments, and the developer and vendor community. As with
> many open-source projects when they achieve a threshold of commercial and
> community success, we feel the time has come to bring a bit more
> structure to the community and development of CKAN in order to empower
> explicitly the growing array of project stakeholders.*
> We are therefore proposing to create a “CKAN Association<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NC73k6l8oXCjKYZyZIJVXNtJgdDQV52mUeBJ4j_RWPQ/edit>”
> (CA) which will help steer the CKAN project into the future.

Co-Founder, Open Knowledge Foundation
Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
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