[ckan-discuss] Uploading resources using CkanClient

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at okfn.org
Mon Sep 3 10:35:44 BST 2012

> I'm struggling to upload files using CkanClient.
> Here is my code
> import ckanclient
> import sys
> key = "...."
> ckan = ckanclient.CkanClient(api_key=key,
> base_location="http://data.codingfordemocracy.org/api")
> f = sys.argv[1]
> ckan.add_package_resource("census-2001", f, resource_type="data")
> I get the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "upload.py", line 18, in <module>
>     ckan.add_package_resource("census-2001", f, resource_type="data")
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ckanclient/__init__.py",
> line 724, in add_package_resource
>     return self.package_entity_put(p)
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ckanclient/__init__.py",
> line 299, in package_entity_put
>     self.open_url(url, data, headers, method='PUT')
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ckanclient/__init__.py",
> line 231, in open_url
>     raise CkanApiConflictError(self.last_status)
> ckanclient.CkanApiConflictError: 409
> I also see this suspicious message in my apache logs:
> IOError: failed to write data but it doesn't give me any context.
> I've check that www-data has write access to my filestore directory as
> well as pretty much the entire ckan folder.
> Any suggestions on where else to look?

Does file uploading work via the web interface?

With a 409 Conflict, one possibility is that the file you're trying to
upload has already been uploaded to the filestore. Try uploading a
different file.

Personally I think ckanclient is quite hard to use, one reason being
that it gives obfuscated error messages like the one you're getting, and
I think it's better to post directly to CKAN's v3 API using e.g.
Python's standard http module, as you get a much clearer idea of what's
going on and particularly what's going wrong.

But I think uploading a file is possibly the one thing that would be
quite complicated to do that way.

I believe someone is working on simplified file uploading for CKAN...

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