[ckan-discuss] Adding other static pages (besides About)

Brian Lee Yung Rowe rowe at muxspace.com
Thu Aug 29 17:51:08 BST 2013


If I can get some pointers, I'm happy to have some of my staff and/or students pursue it. I have experience with Pyramid, so presumably the learning curve wouldn't be that difficult. What would be the best way to coordinate it?

Warm Regards,

On Aug 29, 2013, at 12:09 PM, David Read <david.read at hackneyworkshop.com> wrote:

> Brian,
> Yes that's the first bit of the task. Hacking it should be pretty easy.
> And yes it is an aim to make this job easily done from the web
> interface. It is reasonably high on the list of features people want
> here: https://trello.com/c/zkjFP311/50-simple-cms-extension-for-creating-custom-pages
> and just needs a sponsor or volunteers to code it.
> David
> On 29 August 2013 17:05, Brian Lee Yung Rowe <rowe at muxspace.com> wrote:
>> David,
>> Thanks for your response. There's a lot going on in that project, but I
>> think I see what needs to be done. It's basically overriding
>>    def after_map(self, map):
>>        map.connect(
>>            'guidelines', '/guidelines',
>>            controller='ckanext.canada.controller:CanadaController',
>>            action='view_guidelines'
>>        )
>>        return map
>> and the corresponding controller, yes? I guess the other question is whether
>> it would be easy to hook the editing of the copy into the same screen where
>> you can edit the contents of the About page?
>> Warm Regards,
>> Brian
>> On Aug 29, 2013, at 11:45 AM, David Read <david.read at hackneyworkshop.com>
>> wrote:
>> Brian,
>> Yes you'll need to make an extension. You can probably still bits of
>> that Canadian one. The page needs a URL (route) that points to a new
>> controller which calls a template. Create your template in Jinja and
>> ensure its file folder is added to the template folders.
>> It should be pretty future proof for the foreseeable AFAIC. If you'd
>> written this 2 years ago it would still work now on the latest CKAN.
>> Docs: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/writing-extensions.html
>> David
>> On 29 August 2013 16:24, Brian Lee Yung Rowe <rowe at muxspace.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm a new CKAN user and would like to make some customizations to the
>> default installation. Is there a standard way of adding additional static
>> pages to a CKAN site? One approach I found based on data.gc.ca is to create
>> an extension, but it wasn't clear to me how to access a view or controller
>> that wouldn't be susceptible to breakage after a CKAN release. Any
>> suggestions or links to documentation are appreciated.
>> Warm Regards,
>> Brian Rowe
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