[ckan-discuss] Datacatalog
Sean Hammond
sean.hammond at okfn.org
Tue Jul 9 20:17:33 BST 2013
So you're trying to export all of the datasets of your CKAN site into
one big CSV file? You might find the `paster simple-dump-csv` command
does what you want:
If that's not exactly what you want, I'd recommend writing a simple
Python script that uses the CKAN API, rather than accessing the DB
On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 05:51:59PM +0200, Luca Racchetti wrote:
> Good morning,
> I would like to make a catalog of my CKAN dataset.
> To do this I started with export the database into CSV, and then I
> have created a function and a trigger on the Postgresql DB:
> CREATE FUNCTION create_datacatalog ()
> RETURNS trigger
> AS $create_datacatalog$
> Copy (SELECT "name" AS "nome", "description" AS "descrizione",
> "url" AS "url", "format" AS "formato", "last_modified" AS "ultima
> modifica", "author" AS "autore", "author_email" AS "email autore",
> "maintainer" AS "manutentore", "maintainer_email" AS "email
> manutentore" FROM (SELECT "name", "description", "url", "format",
> "last_modified", "resource_group_id", "package_id", resource.id AS
> "url_id" FROM "resource_group" JOIN "resource" ON
> resource_group.id=resource.resource_group_id) AS "resource" JOIN
> (SELECT "id", "author", "author_email", "maintainer",
> "maintainer_email", "name" AS "url_name" FROM "package") AS
> "package" ON resource.package_id=package.id ORDER BY "last_modified"
> DESC) To
> ''/usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/public/datacatalog.csv'' With
> ';
> END;
> $create_datacatalog$
> LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> CREATE TRIGGER datacatalog_update
> AFTER insert OR update
> ON resource
> EXECUTE PROCEDURE create_datacatalog();
> Then I assigned permissions in writing to the output file.
> Now if I create a new dataset and I do point to the url <server> /
> datacatalog.csv is taken the url of datacatalog.
> But if I update one of the other dataset that file is modified and
> updated. When I download the datacatalog returns the new file, but
> the preview and the general datastore still contain the old file.
> How to upgrade and automate it?
> Thanks,
> Luca Racchetti
> Matricola: 703311
> Informatica, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
> Senatore Accademico
> Rappresentante studenti CCD Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche
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