[ckan-discuss] Authentication: How to remove self registering

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at okfn.org
Thu Jun 13 23:24:07 BST 2013

> Hi,
> how it is possible to remove the "self registering" feature for
> visitors (anonymous users)?
> I am running CKAN 2.0. I haven't seen a proper CKAN config option on
> docs.ckan.org. Nor is there a description about changing the roles.
> Can anybody help here?

"No one is allowed to register" isn't one of the standard configuration
file settings that CKAN offers, although I believe there's a pull
request currently in code review that adds it. But with CKAN 2.0 you
have to write an IAuthFunctions extension. There's a new tutorial for
writing extensions in development, that actually uses an IAuthFunctions
extension as an example:


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