[ckan-discuss] Extension for generating US's /data.json standard

Joshua Tauberer tauberer+consulting at govtrack.us
Fri May 31 21:07:36 BST 2013

Here in the U.S. the new Open Data Memorandum requires agencies to 
publish data catalogs in JSON with a particular schema. [1]

For HealthData.gov, the Drupal/CKAN data catalog for the U.S. Department 
of Health & Human Service, we created a CKAN extension to generate the 
/data.json file. In case anyone from other U.S. agencies is on this 
list, I wanted to share our github project for the extension:

ckanext-datajson: https://github.com/HHS/ckanext-datajson

output: http://hub.healthdata.gov/data.json

The mapping to the /data.json schema is specific to the way *we* store 
metadata in CKAN, but it at least may serve as a starting point for 
other CKAN sites. (e.g. see 

[1] http://project-open-data.github.io/schema/

Hope this is useful to others,

- Joshua Tauberer
- http://razor.occams.info

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