[ckan-discuss] ckanext-pages

Ralf user66 at arcor.de
Wed Nov 6 07:30:24 GMT 2013

Yeah, I just want to let you know that I also installed this pages  
extension. It's a very useful extension to easily add some custom  
static pages. Great work, thanks.


Zitat von David Raznick <david.raznick at okfn.org>:

> Hello,
> You can only edit pages if you are a sysadmin.  There is a little link in
> the top bar (where your user name is)  that looks like a  paper with the
> corner folded.  From there on in it should be pretty easy to work out what
> to do.
> David
> On 5 November 2013 18:28, Koebrick, Andrew (MNIT) <
> andrew.koebrick at state.mn.us> wrote:
>>  I installed this plugin (https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-pages) hoping
>> to be able to add a few items to our menu (i.e. a help page). The extension
>> seems to be working, as evidenced by
>> Being able to add “ckanext.pages.group_menu = False” to my .ini  
>> file and having that element removed.
>> But how do I go about adding new pages?  The docs seem… a bit light.

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