[ckan-discuss] Organization hierarchy

David Read david.read at hackneyworkshop.com
Wed Sep 25 09:43:42 BST 2013


Yes, the organization hierarchy is ready to go into ckan's master
branch - thanks for the interest. It really needs someone to review it
from the core team. There's no reason why you can't checkout the
branch, install the ckanext-hierarchy and have a play.

The authorization has indeed been setup so that a parent admin has the
same rights for child organizations. This is configurable, so I
imagine you could create a new role that you could give to a parent
admin that allowed them to see private datasets of children, although
that would need some investigation.


On 24 September 2013 22:53, Aaron McGlinchy
<McGlinchyA at landcareresearch.co.nz> wrote:
> Hi,
>     I see that work on this is completed/close to completion:
> https://trello.com/c/zQCTemie/41-hierarchical-groups-tags-orgs
> https://github.com/okfn/ckan/issues/1038
> Is this in line to be incorporated into the next release of CKAN?  Is there anywhere this can be viewed in action at present?
> How is the authorisation applied to this new model e.g. a parent organisation admin user has full rights over child organisations, a parent member can see child organisations datasets but not change them (and not access them if marked private)...???
> Looking forward to this feature.
> Cheers
> Aaron
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