[CKAN-support] Urgent request - Queensland Government CKAN config

Lawrence Howson lawrence at xvt.com.au
Wed Feb 27 12:37:09 UTC 2013

Thanks Joel,

I've passed the request for the SSL cert on to SmartServices, and advised that they should read the Rackspace document you provided as background and steps in the process.

Best regards,


On 27/02/2013, at 11:30 PM, Joel Rebello <joel.rebello at okfn.org> wrote:

> Hey Lawrence,
> As per rackspace support and they will only add IP addresses to the
> server based on the points mentioned in this document -
> http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/requesting-additional-ipv4-addresses
> This is mainly because of IPv4 address shortages, as per the doc they
> need us to provide the SSL certs for the site we intend to host on
> this new IP address. The addition of an IP will require a downtime for
> the server, although I'm checking with them if this downtime can be
> prevented.
> Please forward the SSL certs for the domain to be hosted on the new IP
> and details on when would a downtime for the server be ok, if
> Rackspace cannot avoid it.
> Regards,
> Joel Rebello
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 4:50 PM, Lawrence Howson <lawrence at xvt.com.au> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We received an urgent request from SmartServices Queensland as per below:
>> Can we please as a matter of urgency request the following:
>> ·         A new IP address that would point to the server Cleopatra that we
>> can use for publications on port 80 and 443.
>> ·         A new port open on the existing IP...preferably 444 if available.
>> This request is due to a certificate error in IE that we need to resolve
>> urgently.
>> Could you advise on a timeframe to implement this?
>> Thanks,
>> Lawrence
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