[CKAN-support] Queensland SSQ penetration testing forms for Rackspace

Lawrence Howson lawrence at xvt.com.au
Fri Mar 1 04:38:20 UTC 2013

Hi Joel,

Would you be able to nominate an appropriate person from OKFN for this? Would this be you?

The security consultants would like:
Contact name
Email address 
Phone number (only for major incident)

Testing is scheduled to commence Monday 4th morning (Australian eastern time). 

Thanks, with best regards,


Sent from my iPad

On 27/02/2013, at 1:57 AM, "Joel Rebello" <joel.rebello at okfn.org> wrote:

> Hey Lawrence,
> Rackspace have cleared us for testing from March 4th.
> Regarding the contact at Rackspace - they prefer to have someone who
> has access to the Rackspace account to get in touch with them,
> so the person can identify themselves as owners of the account before
> sending in requests/questions -  as a security measure.
> Do let me know how we proceed here,
> Regards,
> Joel Rebello
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Lawrence Howson <lawrence at xvt.com.au> wrote:
>> Hi again Joel,
>> Queensland Government have just advised there will be a delay in their start of the penetration testing. This is now scheduled to commence Monday 4th March and last 7 days. If you could let Rackspace, that would be appreciated.
>> They have also asked if there is a direct technical contact at Rackspace who can be emailed by the consultants conducting the tests. I believe this is to get in contact with them if they should break anything during the testing process. Its a mandatory requirement from their consultants. If you could advise, that would be great.
>> Best regards,
>> Lawrence
>> On 23/02/2013, at 3:22 AM, Joel Rebello <joel.rebello at okfn.org> wrote:
>>> Hey Lawrence,
>>> We've just got confirmation from Rackspace, we're good to go with the
>>> testing any day from today 22nd Feb :)
>>> Regards,
>>> Joel Rebello
>>> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Lawrence Howson <lawrence at xvt.com.au> wrote:
>>>> Hi Darwin and Joel,
>>>> Thanks for the update. Look forward to receiving a firm date from you, as
>>>> Queensland SSQ are keen to expedite this.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Lawrence
>>>> On 19/02/2013, at 10:10 PM, Darwin Peltan <darwin.peltan at okfn.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Lawrence,
>>>> We're speaking to Rackspace about this at the moment but I think they will
>>>> need more notice than 20th of Feb. Joel will update you.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Darwin
>>>> Darwin Peltan
>>>> Project Manager
>>>> The Open Knowledge Foundation
>>>> http://www.okfn.org
>>>> Skype: darwinp
>>>> Twitter: @darwin
>>>> On 18 February 2013 00:46, Lawrence Howson <lawrence at xvt.com.au> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Joel and Gavin,
>>>>> Queensland SSQ have sent through the partially completed form for
>>>>> Rackspace for scheduling the penetration testing.
>>>>> The document stipulates that it must be with Rack Space 7 days prior to
>>>>> the proposed testing. However, they would like to begin testing next week
>>>>> starting 20 Feb if not sooner, and wonder if you might be able to negotiate
>>>>> an earlier start date? Can you please let me know by Monday if this is
>>>>> possible?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Lawrence
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