[CKAN-support] Fwd: Data API button

Gavin Chait gavin.chait at okfn.org
Mon Mar 11 18:55:46 UTC 2013

Thanks Sean :)

Gavin Chait | Head of Services | Open Knowledge Foundation
gavin.chait at okfn.org | M:  +44 (0) 78 9495 7090  | http://okfn.org/

-----Original Message-----
From: ckan-support-bounces at lists.okfn.org
[mailto:ckan-support-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Sean Hammond
Sent: 11 March 2013 18:27
To: Lawrence Howson
Cc: support at ckan.org
Subject: Re: [CKAN-support] Fwd: Data API button


The DataStore is indeed setup and working on your site, because the
DataStore API is working, for example if I open this URL in my web browser I
get a response from the DataStore:


If you have "datastorer" in the "plugins = " line in your CKAN configuration
file, and you've restarted your web server (eg. Apache) since adding this to
your config, then the datastorer extension must be installed, otherwise CKAN
would not start up.

So the `paster datastorer` command should certainly be available. Which
directory are you in when you try to run this command? You probably need to
be in your ckanext-datastorer directory to run it.

If you change to the ckanext-datastorer directory, you should be able to run
`paster datastorer update`, and if it runs successfully that should get rid
of the "Data API is unavailable" messages on your resource pages.

The other question is why the datastorer hasn't been automatically updating.
Since the datastorer appears to be installed, the question then becomes, is
your celery daemon configured and running properly? See Installation on this


On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 07:12:47PM +1100, Lawrence Howson wrote:
> Hi chaps,
> This is a follow on message from Queensland SSQ on using the Data API:
> The DataStore appears to have been previously set up by OKFN for 
> data.qld.gov.au<http://data.qld.gov.au/>; a database exists for it, 
> and there are read and write URLs configured in CKAN.
> However, the datastorer plugin does not appear to be working (we still 
> get 'Data API is unavailable'), despite being enabled in the CKAN 
> configuration. Also, there does not appear to be a way to access the 
> datastorer via paster, in accordance with the instructions on the 
> datastorer Github page (https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-datastorer).
> How can this plugin be properly enabled and configured?
> They have been following the guidance provided previously:
> Presuming you would like to do this yourselves, could you ensure the 
> procedures outlined in the setup guide 
> http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-1.8/datastore.html have been followed?
> Alternatively, if you would like us to arrange for this to be done on 
> the datastores, it would take about 1 day.  Getting data uploaded can 
> be performed manually using the datastore API, or the datastorer which 
> can go through resources and add them to the datastore. There would be 
> a bit of extra testing needed for the datastorer if that was required, 
> though it should only be another few hours or so if everything is 
> working.
> Do you have any suggestions for them?
> Thanks,
> Lawrence
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