[CKAN-support] Pointing the domain name for the South Australia CKAN site

Darwin Peltan darwin.peltan at okfn.org
Tue Apr 23 11:42:34 UTC 2013

Hi Peter,

When you're ready for the site to go live please ask your sysadmin to
create a cname record for your chosen domain which points to sa.ckan.net

This will then direct web-traffic for that name to the live instance of
your site. Please note that if this is an existing domain, domain name
servers (DNS) will have cached where the domain currently points. This
means there can be a delay whilst waiting for the cache to expire. To
prevent this you can reduce the TTL in advance.

There are more details on this here and your sysadmin will be able to

If you or your sysadmin have any questions please let Joel and I know and
we'll be happy to help.

Please can you also let me know what the domain will be so we can make sure
it's set-up in Google Analytics.



Darwin Peltan
Project Manager

The Open Knowledge Foundation

Skype: darwinp
Twitter: @darwin
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