[CKAN-support] FW: Re: DataGM

Whyte, Jamie Jamie.Whyte at trafford.gov.uk
Mon Dec 9 13:02:15 UTC 2013

Aha - super!



Jamie Whyte
Data Innovation
Partnerships and Performance
Trafford Council
Floor 1 - Trafford Town Hall
Talbot Road
M32 0TH
Tel: 01619125146
Mob: 07841495259
E: jamie.whyte at trafford.gov.uk<mailto:jamie.whyte at trafford.gov.uk>
W: www.infotrafford.org.uk<http://www.infotrafford.org.uk/>
Twitter: @infotrafford

Trafford Council is a well-performing, low-cost council delivering excellent services to make Trafford a great place to live, learn, work and relax. You can find out more about us by visiting www.trafford.gov.uk

From: Irina Bolychevsky [mailto:irina.bolychevsky at okfn.org]
Sent: 09 December 2013 13:01
To: Whyte, Jamie
Cc: support at ckan.org; Darwin Peltan
Subject: Re: FW: Re: DataGM

Hi Jamie,

Thank you for getting in touch. I am cc'ing in support and Darwin who are the right people to look into this and help!


On 9 December 2013 12:58, Whyte, Jamie <Jamie.Whyte at trafford.gov.uk<mailto:Jamie.Whyte at trafford.gov.uk>> wrote:
Hi Irina - I can't find a support email address for CKAN, so hopefully you can point me in the right direction. I'm sysadmin on DataGM, and we have an issue with a rogue account, datagm20, modifying all datasets every day. This is messing up the latest datasets list, the activity streams, and the data last modified fields.

Can someone take a look at it, and see if it's doing anything, or whether it can be stopped/deleted?



Jamie Whyte
Data Innovation
Partnerships and Performance
Trafford Council
Floor 1 - Trafford Town Hall
Talbot Road
M32 0TH
Tel: 01619125146
Mob: 07841495259
E: jamie.whyte at trafford.gov.uk<mailto:jamie.whyte at trafford.gov.uk>
W: www.infotrafford.org.uk<http://www.infotrafford.org.uk/>
Twitter: @infotrafford

Trafford Council is a well-performing, low-cost council delivering excellent services to make Trafford a great place to live, learn, work and relax. You can find out more about us by visiting www.trafford.gov.uk<http://www.trafford.gov.uk>

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Irina Bolychevsky

Government Open Data & CKAN Manager  |  skype: flouxi  |  twitter: @shevski<http://twitter.com/shevski>

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