[CKAN-support] multiple instances - filestore config not working

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at okfn.org
Tue Dec 10 11:37:25 UTC 2013

Hi George, I'm glad that worked.

By the way, in CKAN 2.2 (when it is released) the api_url option will be
removed, and things should work as long as you have set the site_url
option correctly.

I'd be interested in seeing docs for setting up CKAN on a non-root URL. 
I'd be slightly nervous about including these in the official docs, 
since as I said that's not how we use CKAN or test it, but on the other 
hand it is a common use-case I think, so if the rest of the dev team 
think it's fairly safe I would include it.

I'd say the instructions should be added to the deployment page:


If you'd like to send us a pull request, it'd be most welcome. You can 
find instructions for how to send a contribution to the docs here:


On 10.12.2013 01:06, George Sattler wrote:
> Hi Sean Thanks for that - it worked. You're right- would have been
> better to use subdomains but the reason I didn't do that was so that
> I could avoid needing to get a DNS entry for it. This way I can get
> something going much quicker. If I run into any more issues then I'll
> probably reconsider. If anyone ever wants me to document setting up
> with /urls like this then I'm happy to do so. Cheers George
> -----Original Message----- From: Sean Hammond
> [mailto:sean.hammond at okfn.org] Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2013 2:51
> AM To: George Sattler Cc: support at ckan.org Subject: Re:
> [CKAN-support] multiple instances - filestore config not working
> Hi George,
> Can you try putting this in your config file for the ssq site:
> ckan.api_url = /ssq
> And for the latest site:
> ckan.api_url = /latest
> And let me know if that fixes the problem.
> In general I wouldn't recommend setting up CKAN sites at non-root
> URLs, this is not how most people use CKAN and it's not the
> configuration that we test CKAN with, so there can be bugs. However,
> we did test this setup about six months ago and fixed some bugs, so
> it should work.
> If the sub-URLs continue to cause problems, it might be better to
> have subdomains, for example. ssq.opendata.xvt.com.au and
> latest.opendata.xvt.com.au (this is know to work)
>> I've just run into a problem setting up the Filestore. I've setup
>> multiple CKAN instances running under apache - using virtualhosts.
>> These are the two instances:
>> *opendata.xvt.com.au/ssq <http://opendata.xvt.com.au/ssq>* (just
>> something I'm setting up to help demo things for SSQ on an ad hoc
>> basis) CKAN version 2.0
>> *opendata.xvt.com.au/latest <http://opendata.xvt.com.au/latest>*
>> (an instance I'm intending on keeping at the latest release
>> version) CKAN version 2.2
>> I can't get the filestore working for either instance with this
>> configuration. That is, I can't get the 'file upload' button to
>> appear in the add resource page. I saw that someone else on the
>> ckan-dev mailing list had what looks to be the same problem but
>> there's no solution. Here's the end of the thread:
>> https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2013-April/004417.html
>> I'm using the relevant Filestore instructions for each instance
>> i.e. http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/filestore.html for version 2.2,
>> and http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-2.0/filestore.html for version
>> 2.0
>> So I think it could be the use of sub urls to point to each
>> instance. I'm not aware of any other problems that may have been
>> caused by this configuration.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks
>> George
>> *George Sattler*
>> Software Developer/Analyst
>> Office 03 6224 2377 | Email george.sattler at xvt.com.au
>> <mailto:george.sattler at xvt.com.au>
>> 34 Anglesea Street, South Hobart, TAS 7004
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