[CKAN-support] API updates from datasets created manually

Bert Van Nuffelen bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com
Wed Jan 29 10:53:46 UTC 2014


I observe the following situation:

Given a dataset created using the webinterface.

I create an updated json dataset description and send it to the api

I get a 200 respons with the updated dataset content in the respons.

When I browse the system, the update has not been registered.

Is this a silent ignore?

kind regards,


Bert Van Nuffelen

Semantic Technologies Software Architect at TenForce

Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com
Office: +32 (0)16 31 48 60
Mobile:+32 479 06 24 26
skype: bert.van.nuffelen
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