[CKAN-support] Fwd: Publicdata.eu tags mapping

Adam McGreggor adam.mcgreggor at okfn.org
Thu Jun 12 18:54:53 UTC 2014

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Adam McGreggor <adam.mcgreggor at okfn.org>
> Subject: Fwd: Publicdata.eu tags mapping
> Date: 12 June 2014 19:16:53 BST
> To: Joe Tsoi <joe.tsoi at okfn.org>
> Message-Id: <48D27A72-DFEA-458D-8709-EFC5A114B33C at okfn.org>
> Joe —
> Any idea about this?
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Jan Kučera <jan.kucera at vse.cz>
>> Subject: Publicdata.eu tags mapping
>> Date: 12 June 2014 10:45:33 BST
>> To: adam.mcgreggor at okfn.org
>> Cc: tomas.sedivec at gmail.com, Vojtech Svatek <Svatek at vse.cz>, Sander van der Waal <sander.vanderwaal at okfn.org>
>> Reply-To: Jan Kučera <jan.kucera at vse.cz>
>> Message-Id: <20140612094534.29975.qmail at isis-appl2.vse.cz>
>> Dear Mr. McGreggor,
>> my name is Jan Kucera and I coordinate cz.ckan.net related activities of the University of Economics, Prague in the LOD2 project. The cz.ckan.net catalogue is one of the CKAN instances that provide catalogue records into the Publicdata.eu portal. At the LOD2 plenary meeting some kind of mapping of tags used CKAN instances was proposed, as well as marking datasets that should be harvested into the Publicadata.eu portal. I was told by Vojtech Svatek that you coordinate this Publicdata.eu mapping activity. Could you please provide us with some information how we should map our tags to the tags used in the Publicdata.eu portal and how we should mark our datasets that should be harvested into that portal?
>> Thank you very much.
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Jan Kucera
> -- 
> Adam McGreggor
> General Manager  |  skype: adamamyl  |  @adamamyl
> +44 74 7214 3423
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
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