[ckan4rdm] CKAN as research data repository

Birgit Plietzsch bp10 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Wed Nov 27 12:19:27 UTC 2013


In October I sent a message asking about current uses of CKAN for RDM. Many thanks for all the responses on and off list. Some of the feedback that I received was to share these responses. I have therefore taken the liberty of summarising messages and have posted my summary on our blog: 


The post also contains a short description of our current CKAN pilot. We are keen for further discussion to take place on how others are using CKAN, and, where there is common interest, to potentially collaborate. Some private responses have already indicated an interest in collaboration that we will be following up shortly. Is there wider interest for investigating the potential to work collaboratively across institutions?

Kind regards

Dr Birgit Plietzsch
Research Computing Team Leader, IT Services
University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9AL

T: 01334 462315  |  F: 01334 462759  | E: bp10 at st-andrews.ac.uk  |  W: http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/its

Research Computing blog: http://research-computing.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/ 

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