[ckan4rdm] automatic metadata extraction
Hannes Thiemann
thiemann at dkrz.de
Wed Feb 12 12:46:36 UTC 2014
Dear Joe,
I believe such a thing could be pretty useful for any domain specific
repository where the number of used formats is limited. Automatic
metadata generation is an important added value as the ease by which the
data can be found is greatly improved.
Best, Hannes
Am 08.02.2014 04:22, schrieb Joe Tsoi:
> Hi,
> I'm one of the CKAN core devs and I've created a ckan extension that
> is a bit of a toy example. I hope that it might interest some people
> on this list. The ckan extension is for FITS images generally used in
> astronomy. When a fits file is uploaded to ckan, it automatically
> parses the file and extracts the metadata and saves it against the
> ckan resource, it also generates a greyscale jpeg image of the fits
> file which serves as the image preview when the resource is previewed
> in ckan.
> I've setup a demo of it at http://astro-joet.rhcloud.com/dataset and
> I've uploaded a couple of sample images taken from the Hubble fits
> sample images. The source code for the extension is available at
> https://github.com/joetsoi/ckanext-astro . I've actually added a
> custom extension point to ckan which this extensions uses that isn't
> currently available in vanilla ckan, but I hope to get some form of it
> into ckan core. It's just a demo, so I'm pretty sure if you upload a
> non fits image it'll break, and it's pretty hacky and is probably
> buggy.
> Anyway I'd like to hear if this sort of automatic metadata extraction
> is of any use to anyone, not just for astronomy, but for any type of
> file. I'm not an astronomer or anything, I just thought it might
> serve as a good example.
> Regards,
> Joe
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------------ Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH ----------------
Hannes Thiemann
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Email: thiemann at dkrz.de
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