[D2B1] Open Knowledge Meeting Berlin - tomorrow!
ralph.giebel at emc.com
ralph.giebel at emc.com
Wed Mar 14 01:45:27 GMT 2012
Was ist nun richtig?
Ich war auf Mittwoch 14.03. um 19:00 Uhr eingerichtet??
Bitte um kurze Bestätiung.
Vielen Dank
Ralph Giebel
-----Original Message-----
From: d2b1-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:d2b1-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Hauke Gierow
Sent: Montag, 12. März 2012 15:52
To: ok-berlin at lists.okfn.org; d2b1 at lists.okfn.org
Subject: [D2B1] Open Knowledge Meeting Berlin - tomorrow!
Open Berlin - offen für deine Ideen!
Liebe Freunde des offenen Wissens in Berlin!
Wieder nähert sich der 2te Dienstag des Monats und damit unser
monatliches Treffen. Wir treffen uns um 18:00 im Oberholz Ko Working
Space [Rosenthaler Straße 72, 10119 Berlin].
Dieses Mal wird Nannette Schliebner den Open Knowledge Index
präsentieren und diskutieren.
Aus der Beschreibung des Projekts:
The Open Knowledge Index has been designed to measure and track
progress in opening up information, data and knowledge in a broader
sense to the public. The Open Knowledge Index captures three
dimensions of knowledge - the ability to access knowledge
(capability), the availability of knowledge and data provision
(legislation) and the capacity to use the data and feed it back into
the open data eco-system (open society).
Dannach bietet sich die möglichkeit über weitere Projekte zu sprechen
und sich zwanglos auszutauschen.
Wenn jemand noch ein spannendes Projekt hat, dass er / sie vorstellen
will - bitte melden unter hauke.gierow at okfn.org oder im Wiki
[http://wiki.okfn.de/OKberlinmeeting/13032012] eintragen. Außerdem ist
das Meeting auf Lanyrd [http://lanyrd.com/2012/openberlin/] zu finden.
Bis Dienstag!
Dear Friends of Open Knowledge in Berlin!
again, the 2nd Tuesday of the month is approaching and its time for
our monthly meetup. We will meet at 6 p.m. at Oberholz Ko Working
Space [Rosenthaler Str. 72, 10119 Berlin].
Nannette Schliebner will present the Open Knowledge Index - a tool to
measure openness in different countries.
The projects description:
The Open Knowledge Index has been designed to measure and track
progress in opening up information, data and knowledge in a broader
sense to the public. The Open Knowledge Index captures three
dimensions of knowledge - the ability to access knowledge
(capability), the availability of knowledge and data provision
(legislation) and the capacity to use the data and feed it back into
the open data eco-system (open society).
Afterwards everyone can have the floor to discuss current projects and
ideas or just have a beer together.
If somebody wants to do a bigger presentation just drop me an email at
hauke.gierow at okfn.org or just put it in the Wiki
[http://wiki.okfn.de/OKberlinmeeting/13032012] i! You can also find
the meeting on Lanyrd [http://lanyrd.com/2012/openberlin/]
See you next week!
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