[datacatalogs] Status of data catalog metadata standards

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Jan 28 11:14:16 UTC 2014

On 24 January 2014 21:57, Philip Ashlock <phil at civicagency.org> wrote:

> Can I get some help piecing together an overview of the current state of
> data catalog metadata standards?
> I'm interested in getting a rough sense of how stable or finalized certain
> schemas are and how much they've have been adopted by data producers, data
> consumers, and the toolchains associated with them.
> In particular:
> * DCAT and derivatives/serializations
> * Schema.org Datasets schema
> * Anything on http://dataprotocols.org

The key item that is part of Data Protocols is the (draft) "Data Catalog
Interoperability Protocol" which lives at: http://spec.datacatalogs.org/

This got a major update last November to make it much simpler. A commentable
google doc version is
also discusses relationship to other specs.

The main reason I ask is because of the future of the US Federal
> Government's metadata schema and the implication of others serving metadata
> based on it (such as US local governments)
> For that schema, see:
> http://project-open-data.github.io/schema/
> http://project-open-data.github.io/metadata-resources/
> This schema was driven by the US federal government, but was informed by
> some existing standards including DCAT and is meant to have mappings to
> them (as seen in the aforementioned link). There are variety of disparate
> systems in the federal government that now publish metadata using this
> schema. There's a CKAN extension to both produce and consume this schema
> and there's also some support from other full featured data catalog systems
> (namely DKAN and Socrata as far as I know).

The basic summary here from a CKAN end is that there's convergence on DCAT
for the metadata (with a JSON formulation thereof) plus the ability to
identify the location of a "dump" (which may be "pageable"). See
http://spec.datacatalogs.org/ for details.


On 24 January 2014 21:57, Philip Ashlock <phil at civicagency.org> wrote:

> Can I get some help piecing together an overview of the current state of
> data catalog metadata standards?
> I'm interested in getting a rough sense of how stable or finalized certain
> schemas are and how much they've have been adopted by data producers, data
> consumers, and the toolchains associated with them.
> In particular:
> * DCAT and derivatives/serializations
> * Schema.org Datasets schema
> * Anything on http://dataprotocols.org
> The main reason I ask is because of the future of the US Federal
> Government's metadata schema and the implication of others serving metadata
> based on it (such as US local governments)
> For that schema, see:
> http://project-open-data.github.io/schema/
> http://project-open-data.github.io/metadata-resources/
> This schema was driven by the US federal government, but was informed by
> some existing standards including DCAT and is meant to have mappings to
> them (as seen in the aforementioned link). There are variety of disparate
> systems in the federal government that now publish metadata using this
> schema. There's a CKAN extension to both produce and consume this schema
> and there's also some support from other full featured data catalog systems
> (namely DKAN and Socrata as far as I know).
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