[ddj] Looking for Bank failure tracker

Jacobo Elosua jet at ezaromedia.com
Tue Dec 20 11:47:55 UTC 2011

I see two ways to go about this:

1) Pan-European: posting a question through http://www.asktheeu.org/.

2) Country by country: on page 15 of the doc linked below you get a list of
Spanish entities that have received public funding (a suitable definition
of failed, I guess). The report is dated Jan-11. There are deals not
a. Caja Sur, intervened in May-10, and sold to BBK in Jul-10.
b. Banco de Valencia, intervened in Nov-11.
c. CCM, intervened in Mar-09, before its acquiring entity, CajaAstur,
participated in one of the mergers that received public funding included in
the list.
d. CAM was also intervened in Jul-11 when its planned merger fell through.


2011/12/16 Anders Pedersen <anderspeders at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am looking for a site listing European failed banks during the latest
> years. In the US the FDIC is keeping such a neat list of collapsed US banks:
> http://www.fdic.gov/bank/individual/failed/banklist.html
> However for Europes collapsed banks I have still not come across any
> comprehensive site listing collapsed banks in Europe.
> The European Banking Authority is at present keeping no such list
> http://www.eba.europa.eu/home.aspx
> Who can recommend such a site?
> Regards,
> Anders
> ______
> Anders Pedersen
> Datajournalist
> The Hague, The Netherlands
> Twitter: anpe
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