[ddj] A data visualization software for online news media

Uldis Leiterts uldis at infogr.am
Wed Nov 16 00:34:25 UTC 2011


I'm Uldis from Infogr.am, a startup company working on infographic / data
visualization solutions for analytic journalism. I'm currently visiting
London (be here till friday) and would be glad to meet with journalists
working with data analytics in UK. I'm visiting Tech City / TechWorld so if
you are there or would like to meet me in the city, please let me know by
email (uldis at infogr.am) or phone +371 26490983.

So far we have worked with news portals and ad agencies making custom
visualization solutions. You can see some of our works at www.infogr.am Our
infographics has got 2.2 million visits since we started 6 months ago. We
are interested in contacts with analytic journalists and news media across
Europe (and sure, in any other place).

Best wishes,

+371 26490983
Twitter: uldis
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