[ddj] What are the training needs for data journalism? - survey results

Liliana Bounegru bounegru at ejc.net
Wed Sep 21 10:29:15 UTC 2011

Dear all,

Between April and August 2011 the European Journalism Centre circulated a
surve <http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/data_journalism>y<http://blog.okfn.org/2011/06/03/interested-in-data-driven-journalism/>
training needs for data journalism. We asked two experts in data journalism,
journalist and trainer Mirko Lorenz <http://www.mirkolorenz.com/>, and
journalism professor and trainer Paul
Bradshaw<http://onlinejournalismblog.com/>, to
analyse the results and share their insights with us.

If you're interested you can read Mirko Lorenz's analysis of the survey
results here<http://datadrivenjournalism.net/news_and_analysis/training_data_driven_journalism_mind_the_gaps>



Liliana Bounegru | Project Co-ordinator SYNC3 | European Journalism Centre
Sonneville-lunet 10, 6221KT Maastricht, The Netherlands
Tel. : +31.433.254.030 | Fax : +
Email : bounegru at ejc.net

Visit: www.ejc.net | www.eu4journalists.eu | www.eufeeds.eu

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