[ddj] PDF to Excel (or Numbers, or Google Spreadsheet)

Tommy Kaas tommy.kaas at kaasogmulvad.dk
Mon Aug 27 10:14:50 UTC 2012

Hi Diana

What works depends a lot on the quality of the pdf. 

I have had some luck with:  <http://www.cometdocs.com> www.cometdocs.com


I also have the free xpdf on my computer – you have to run it from the
command line.

 <http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/> http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/

(An old manual from IRE: http://tinyurl.com/8e5sfs7)


If the pdf file is created be scanning a page and saving it as a “picture”,
none of these tools will do. Then you must use an OCR application. There are
a number of tools. I have had most luck with ABBYY FineReader. It costs, but
it’s possible to download a free trial version:


Good luck,



Fra: data-driven-journalism-bounces at lists.okfn.org
[mailto:data-driven-journalism-bounces at lists.okfn.org] På vegne af Diana
Assennato Botello
Sendt: 27. august 2012 11:55
Til: List about Data Driven Journalism and Open Data in Journalism.
Emne: [ddj] PDF to Excel (or Numbers, or Google Spreadsheet)


Hey guys, yesterday I needed a good converter from PDF to Google


I tried this online free service <http://pdftoexcelonline.com/>  to create
an xls. 


The conversion was not that bad, but I was wondering if you guys have any
recommendation for a newbie.








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