[ddj] police forces map

Christian Kreutz Christian.Kreutz at okfn.org
Thu May 17 17:55:55 UTC 2012

Hi Jack,

have a look at 


, which collects most administrative boundaries such as regions and districts from most countries worldwide and offers different formats (shape, .kmz etc.). 

But please check the license if it works with your project. 

Hope that helps!


Am 17.05.2012 um 12:42 schrieb JO:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to map some statistics about police forces in England & Galles. 
> I have a list consisting of all the police forces, for instance:
> Avon and Somerset
> Bedfordshire
> Cambridgeshire
> Cheshire
> City of London
> Cleveland
> Cumbria
> Derbyshire
> Devon and Cornwall
> ...
> Do you know where I can find klm data to map on Google Maps or OpenStreetMaps those areas?
> Any suggestion would be welcome.
> Cheers,
> Jack
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