[ddj] Autonomous Government Organization Chart

Conchita Catalan ccgbcn at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 17:28:48 UTC 2013

Last weekend @mvtango, @sejoska and me teamed up at the Barcelona Big Data
Week hackaton to explore the structure of our Catalan autonomous government
body, la Generalitat de Catalunya.

We had 3 sources of information:
a website you can surf to find all the institutions that are part of that
structure, but you can only access one at a time
a pdf file
an xml file from their opendata portal which hadn't been properly indexed
so we didn't know it existed until somebody tipped us off

Scraping was taking too long, so we used the xml file, with more than  *7000
registers* to visualize just the first two hierarchy levels, Although we
realized part of the information was wrong, we decided to use this file
because this was the info they had made available.

Here is the story and the visualization in Catalan

and in English

We plan to go on working on this file. There will be lots of stories, so
thank you for spreading the word. If any media is interested, here we are :)

Thanks for reading, greetings and opendata!
Concha Catalan (@conchacatalan)
Visita mi blog: http://barcelonalittleshell.blogspot.com.es/
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