[ddj] Interactive timeline tools

ericnbarrett at gmail.com ericnbarrett at gmail.com
Thu Aug 1 10:14:28 UTC 2013


You are welcome to use our application we built around timeline.js. It is a
rails app, but has a nice form to add events, handles multiple
languages/localizations, has categories and tagging, and stores the media
that timeline.js uses so if in the future the source disappears, your app
won't lose the images.

Source: https://github.com/JumpStartGeorgia/Timeline
Example: http://timeline.jumpstart.ge/en


Eric Barrett
Executive Director
JumpStart Georgia

eric at jumpstart.ge
+995 595 13 92 69

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Alison Benjamin <
alison.benjamin at frontlineclub.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Asking for a colleague. I'm looking for tools that allow a journalist to
> make a story interactive using either a timeline or map metaphor. I am
> aware of timeline.js and looking for things along this line that are either
> open source or relatively easy to use by a non-technical journalist.
> Your ideas are appreciated.
> --
> Alison Benjamin
> Web Manager
> www.frontlineclub.com
> 13 Norfolk Place Paddington W2 1QJ
> Direct: +44(0)20 74798946 | Mobile: +44 (0) 7413932663
> Email: alison.benjamin at frontlineclub.com
> Twitter: frontlineclub
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