[ddj] Generation Map of Europe

Nicolas Kayser-Bril hi at nkb.fr
Mon Jan 14 13:45:23 UTC 2013

Hi there,

The project sounds extremely interesting.

Have you considered talking to Facebook for help? They might be able to
provide data such as % of intergenerational connections, emigration of
young ppl etc.


Nicolas Kayser-Bril
CEO and co-founder at Journalism++ <http://jplusplus.org> • @nicolaskb •
 Personal website nkb.fr <http://nkb.fr/?m> • Paris: +336 50 57 53 80 •
Berlin: +49 170 287 5332

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 1:36 PM, EUWatcher / Joop Hazenberg <
contact at euwatcher.eu> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I would like to ask your input on the following project. Together with
> a number of journalists and researchers, I am setting up a 'Generation
> Map of Europe.' This map will be combined with a yearly 'Generation
> Conflict Index'. The project is used to launch the new think-tank Next
> Generation for Europe (NGE) - check it here: www.ng4.eu
> The Generation Map should in the end be a mix of open data and
> storytelling, in such a format that it's easily reused by media and
> websites. We're starting with a map based on data aggregated from a
> variety of sources such as Eurostat, the OECD, IMF and others. After
> version 1.0 we want to take it further.
> The map has to show the main negative and positive factors that
> influence the future prospects of young Europeans. Based on this, we
> will rank EU member states on our Generation Conflict index. This
> index will indicate risks such as unemployment, but also rising costs
> of the welfare state in each member state.
> Ranking countries in this way will allow to kick-start a much-needed
> debate on the position of young people in Europe. To address these
> issues on a national scale is already difficult. But on a European
> level, the plight of young people seems to be ignored altogether.
> We are already trying to get funding for the basic research for Map
> 1.0 but could use much more help, as this exercise is quite
> complicated! Especially in terms of data collection, visualisation and
> dissemination.
> If you have suggestions to take the Generation Map forward, let us know!
> Many thanks in advance,
> Joop Hazenberg
> www.ng4.eu
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