[ddj] Presentations of new tool for visualization of global economic relations in Brussels and Berlin

Jan.Arpe at bertelsmann-stiftung.de Jan.Arpe at bertelsmann-stiftung.de
Tue May 21 17:00:53 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

the Global Economic Dynamics (GED) team at the Bertelsmann Foundation has developed the new interactive webtool GED VIZ for visualizing global economic relations such as trade, migration and debt. As a special feature, users can embed slideshows of their visualizations into other websites. See http://www.ged-project.de/event/images/ged-viz.png for a preview screenshot (it's in German, but the tool will also be available in English). Currently, our developers are still fixing some bugs, and we're producing a tutorial video, seed content and a surrounding web page.

I will give a presentation of the tool at our Brussels office on Thursday, May 23, 2013, at 4:00 pm (similar to my presentation at the Data Harvest conference). So if you're interested in joining, please drop me an email.

We will release the tool to the public on July 2, 2013 on the occasion of our networking event "Tell-a-Viz" in Berlin (conference language will be German though). The focus of the event will be to bring together people from all parts of "data processing": from data production to analysis to visualization to storytelling. Inputs will be provided by Robert Kosara (Tableau Software), Julia Kloiber (OKFN), Moritz Stefaner, Sascha Venohr (ZEIT Online) and others. Please find further information on the event at www.ged-project.de/event/<http://www.ged-project.de/event/>. Note that the event is by invitation only, so in case you're interested in joining, please let me know before registering (there will be only limited space). Should you know of other (German speaking) fellows who could be interested in joining the event, please drop me an email, so I can send out invitations correspondingly.


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