[ddj] budget transparency

Michael Bauer michael.bauer at okfn.org
Thu May 2 09:10:09 UTC 2013


Did you consider the OpenSpending platform (http://openspending.org) - it
is a platform designed to take budget data in fine grained form and helps
to visualize it. The team is also actively working at making it easy
building your own sites with the platform as a backend.


On Wed, May 01, 2013 at 06:49:41PM +1030, Rosie Williams wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am launching the first site with the entire federal budget in database form at http://budgetaus.net
> The background to budget transparency in Australia is at the blog http://budgetaus.net/wp
> The database and code create totals across topics, schemes, programs, agencies and portfolios.
> The site also provides comparisons between years in funding at those levels.
> I haven't had much luck getting into budget lockup or getting access to the new budget data (handed down on May 14) so I'm hoping to run a hacknight/launch party in Canberra and do it manually with the help of volunteers who will get free access to the database. 
> Feedback is welcome.
> cheers,
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)BudgetAus | Blog | Twitter | LinkedIn

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