[ddj] Knight Center's MOOC "Introduction to Data Journalism"

Ron Merlino rcmerlino at gmail.com
Mon May 20 15:30:22 UTC 2013

Thank you Knight Center! Very much looking forward to this.
On May 20, 2013 6:45 AM, "Theresa Mallinson" <theresa.mallinson at gmail.com>

> Very excited to hear about this; can't wait!
> Cheers
> Theresa
> On 20 May 2013 13:17, Sean Lee <iseansay at gmail.com> wrote:
>> that would be awsome
>> On 2013-5-20, at 下午5:01, Liliana Bounegru <bounegru at ejc.net> wrote:
>> Basically, yes, there will be a basics of data journalism MOOC in
>> English. I can't give away much now but I will have more news soon :)
>> Liliana
>> ===
>> Liliana Bounegru | Project Manager on Data Journalism | European
>> Journalism Centre
>> Sonnevillelunet 10, 6221KT Maastricht, The Netherlands
>> Tel. : +31.433.254.030 | Fax : +
>> Email : bounegru at ejc.net | Twitter: @ddjournalism
>> Visit: www.ejc.net | www.datadrivenjournalism.net |
>> www.datajournalismhandbook.org
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>> On 18 May 2013 21:10, Ron Merlino <rcmerlino at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I also would like to know if intro to ddj will be offered in English.
>>> Many thanks.
>>> On May 17, 2013 8:05 PM, "Sean Lee" <iseansay at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> amazing, is there any related mooc in English?
>>>> On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:28 PM, Hanna McLean <mclean at ejc.net> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> Just to let you all know The *Knight Center for Journalism in the
>>>>> Americas*' second Massive Open Online Course (or MOOC) in Spanish, “Introduction
>>>>> to Data Journalism<https://knightcenter.utexas.edu/es/00-13538-inscribete-ahora-al-curso-introduccion-al-periodismo-de-datos-en-espanol>,"
>>>>> began on Monday, May 13 with more than 3,000 students and high
>>>>> participation. Registration to the course is still open.
>>>>> According to the website the course will cover, "the basic concepts
>>>>> of data journalism, an overview of the current state of the practice around
>>>>> the world, new digital tools for searching and data mining, an introduction
>>>>> to math and statistics for journalists, visual information handling
>>>>> techniques, and best practices in the development of news apps."
>>>>> Have a nice weekend :)
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Hanna
>>>>> ===
>>>>> Hanna McLean | Community Manager | European Journalism Centre
>>>>> Sonnevillelunet 10, 6221KT Maastricht, The Netherlands
>>>>> Tel. : +31.433.254.030 | Fax : +
>>>>> Email : mclean at ejc.net
>>>>> Visit: ejc.net | ejcseminars.eu | eufeeds.eu
>>>>> Join: ejc.net/facebook | ejc.net/twitter | community.ejc.net
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>>>>> confidential, proprietary and privileged information, and unauthorised
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>>>>> please notify the sender and delete this email from your system.
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>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Sean Lee
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