[ddj] Rubyjournos group forming

Mulvihill, Maggie mmulvih at bu.edu
Thu Nov 21 13:46:55 UTC 2013

Patrick I'm in - thanks a lot for organizing!

Clinical Professor of Journalism
Boston University College of Communication
Faculty Fellow, Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering
mmulvih at bu.edu<mailto:mmulvih at bu.edu>
twitter: @maggiemulvihill
Co-Founder/New England Center for Investigative Reporting

From: data-driven-journalism [mailto:data-driven-journalism-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Patrick Maynard
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 7:49 AM
To: List about Data Driven Journalism and Open Data in Journalism.
Subject: [ddj] Rubyjournos group forming

A bunch of us are kicking off an online group-learning experience for reporters interested in the basics of Ruby. The group includes freelancers alongside journalists from The Baltimore Sun, Computer World and The Associated Press, among others. It's really a nice mix so far. Heavy inspirational credit goes to Chris Schnaars' PythonJournos sessions a year or two ago.

Membership is free, and we're looking to use instructional material that's short, accessible and cheap. With only a half-dozen chapters, Jump Start Rails<https://email.tribune.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=2ba1fe2356404328b74b53b04944f966&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.amazon.com%2fgp%2foffer-listing%2f0987467425%2fref%3dtmm_pap_new_olp_sr%3fie%3dUTF8%26condition%3dnew%26sr%3d8-1%26qid%3d1384343198> is a leading contender at the moment. Please join us by signing up here:


We'll probably be starting the first section by December 2, with roughly a section per week from there until mid-January. I hope this is of interest to some folks on here.
Best regards,

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