[ddj] 6th International Meeting in Information and Communication Research: Journalism and Semantic Web. Homage to Aaron Swartz

ADOLFO ANTON BRAVO adanton at ucm.es
Tue Sep 17 15:56:53 UTC 2013


Next week we've got the 6th International Meeting in Information and
Communication Research 24th, 25th and 26th september where participate
some people from OKFN.

The meeting is six years old and is promoted by the Department of
Journalim III of the School of Information and Communication at
Complutense University of Madrid.

This meeting is dedicated to the relationship between the journalism
and the semantic web and we also have a homage to Aaron Swartz.

Information about the meeting (spanish, please use some translation tool)

- Web: http://www.eiiic.org
- Program: http://www.eiiic.org/programa
- Speakers: http://www.eiiic.org/ponentes/
- Homage a Aaron Swartz: http://www.eiiic.org/homenaje-aaron-swartz/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/search?q=%236eiiic&src=hash
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/encuentrointernacional.ucm

- Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Avda. Complutense s/n,
Madrid 28040. Metro Ciudad Universitaria.
- Medialab Prado, Plaza de las Letras. C/ Alameda, 15, Madrid 28014

Thanks for sharing!

"La cuestión es si desde un enfoque tradicional, basado fundamentalmente en
una epistemología objetiva, a Web Semántica representa el único y verdadero
punto de vista de la cultura dominante", Corinna Bath
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