[ddj] Can I be removed from mailing list?

Justin Myers justin at justinmyers.net
Mon Sep 23 21:19:57 UTC 2013

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Jaimie Stevenson | Once Magazine <
jaimie.stevenson at oncemagazine.com> wrote:

> Yall are being very sassy about this, while many of us have tried many
> times to remove ourselves following all logical procedures, and it simply
> hasn't been working.

If that's the case, the list info page lists the email addresses of the
people to get in touch with rather than spamming the entire list's
membership with requests we can't fulfill. (What's worse is that I bet a
number of people trying to leave are leaving because they're getting so
many emails about leaving, thus making the problem feed on itself (maybe
intentionally, maybe not).)

Toward the bottom of the info page (
http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/data-driven-journalism, linked from
the bottom of every email you get from this list): "data-driven-journalism
list run by list-admin at okfn.org, matzat at gmail.com, bounegru at ejc.net"
If one of those can't help you, the rest of us certainly can't.

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