[ddj] Research on DDJ in Germany

Michael Hörz hoerz at michael-hoerz.de
Tue Feb 18 10:23:34 UTC 2014

Hi Marcelo,

if I understand you correctly, you are looking for academic research in Germany on data journalism. The study of these two scientists, Stefan Weinacht and Ralf Spiller, should help you a bit: 

http://www.wpk.org/quarterly/einzelartikel/wie-wissenschaftlich-ist-datenjournalismus.html and http://www.journalismus-und-technik.ifkw.uni-muenchen.de/programm/spiller.pdf 

This article by journalism professor Annette Leßmöllmann also might point in this direction: http://journalistik-journal.lookingintomedia.com/?p=843 


on Monday, February 17, 2014 at 8:01 PM, antje plaikner wrote:

> hello,

> maybe the following addresses will help you:

> http://www.ipz.uzh.ch/studium/MA/tracks/dj.html (university of zurich and political data journalism)

> http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/de/department/wissenkommunikation/news/id/18611/index.php?cursor=1
> (donau university in krems - austria and data journalism)
>  www.datenjournalist.de (all about datajournalism in germany)
> www.mercedes-bunz.de (she's an very interesting 'digital thinker', researcher
> and journalist - her address at the university of lüneburg is
> http://www.leuphana.de/mercedes-bunz.html)

> antje
> http://www.lesernaehe.com

>  2014-02-12 16:10 GMT+01:00 Marcelo Träsel <marcelo.trasel at gmail.com>:

>  Hello!
>  Do you know any academic research about data driven journalism in
>  Germany? Or any german researcher who writes about that?
>  I can read german and maybe understand some flemish.
>  Thanks!
>  ______________
>  marcelo träsel
>  marcelo at trasel.com.br
>  http://www.trasel.com.br
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