[ddj] BudgetAus becomes Open Local Project

Paul Walsh paulywalsh at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 13:04:34 UTC 2014


On Wednesday, 19 March 2014 08:24:01 UTC+2, Rosie Williams wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have some exciting news! Andrew Perry has offered to auspice BudgetAus 
> as an initiative of the non-profit organisation, Open Local. In addition to 
> this (and to fund it), Andrew has appointed me Community Manager/Developer 
> for Open Local. Open Local aims to support open data principles in general 
> and local community engagement. http://fixmystreet.org.au/ is another 
> example of the kind of initiative run under Open Local.
> Open Local will be managing social startups in the Collaboratory co-work 
> space at the Parramatta office. We hope to raise funds from government and 
> other sources to continue open data projects with the participation of 
> volunteers as well as paid staff. 
> The first event of this nature will be on budget night where some keen 
> budget wonks will be volunteering their labour to input the budget data 
> manually to create a full set of data for public use. Please get in touch 
> if you would like to participate. This will be a challenge but it will also 
> be a great opportunity to put the media spotlight on community engagement 
> with open data issues and issues of budget transparency. 
> On behalf of BudgetAus I would like to thank Andrew for his support in 
> allowing this project to continue and for his investment in the principles 
> of open source and open data generally.
> To find out more information about Open Local visit 
> http://www.openlocal.org.au/
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
> Founder & Developer InfoAus.net
>    ABN 90 345 143 783
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