[ddj] Open Data in Asia's Water Tower

William Shubert (wshubert@INTERNEWS.ORG) wshubert at INTERNEWS.ORG
Mon Nov 17 18:33:10 UTC 2014

Dear Data Journalists,

An update on the development of GeoJournalism<geojournalism.org/about>- data visualization in support of stories about the world's most pressing environmental stressors.

On Friday, the Earth Journalism Network<earthjournalism.net> launched an open geospatial database focused on Asia's water tower in partnership with The Third Pole<http://thethirdpole.net/>. Located at data.thethirdpole.net<http://data.thethirdpole.net/>, this compendium of scientific data on water issues is sourced from leading organizations<http://data.thethirdpole.net/partners> monitoring water in Asia.  Supported by the Skoll Global Threats Fund, the Third Pole Data Network is part of a growing cadre of open data sites focused on the region, including the recently launched ICIMOD Regional Database Initiative <http://rds.icimod.org/> and WRI's Aqueduct Water Risk Analyzer<http://www.wri.org/our-work/project/aqueduct>.

We have two articles outline the role and goal of the site here:

Also, this weekend there was a global event called EcoHack<http://ecohack.org/> timed to correspond with the World Parks Congress meeting . We participated in the DC meet-up supported by MapBox and CartoDB and worked on a few examples of how this database can be used by journalists, designers, analysts, and policy makers.

India's Cyclone Tracks 1990-2013 (with date stamps and full tracks shown):

Glaciers and  protected areas map

We also set up a Landsat imagery pipeline (landsat-util<https://github.com/developmentseed/landsat-util>) with the help of Development Seed to pull satellite imagery. They supplied us with images of the Srinagar Floods but we could do this for any event by using Landsat-Util.http://www.developmentseed.org/blog/2014/09/15/flood-mapping/

Please feel free to use this information within your articles. If you do write a story about this new resource. Please send us the URL and we will help share it!

Many thanks!

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