[ddj] Keeping #ODD momentum: Uganda hosts #dBootcamp to turn #OpenData ideas into public projects

Justin Arenstein justinarenstein at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 05:46:48 UTC 2015

For any East Africans on the list:

Code for Africa and Hacks/Hackers are co-hosting a 3-day bootcamp in
Kampala this week to help local civic tech pioneers turn their #ODD ideas
into public services / projects. The details are below:

[image: dbootcamp_1.png]


Kampala, Uganda | February 25-27, 2015


[image: dBootcamp Kampala.png]

Government’s development spending shapes your life. It pays for the roads
and bridges you travel on, for the schools and clinics that nurture you,
and the water and electricity that makes your life possible. But, do you
really know where the money comes from or where it goes?

Does development spending really improve lives, or grow the economy?

And, can data from agencies like NASA or civil society help us track other
issues ranging from organised crime to terror attacks, or from illegal
mining operations to dodgy doctors?

Come join us <http://kampala.dbootcamp.org/registration/> to find out
during a *free* 3-day d|Bootcamp that explores how you can access and use
the data. The d|Bootcamp will bring together international speakers from
NASA, the World Bank, and UK Guardian newspaper with aspiring Ugandan data
journalists and civic watchdogs, alongside technologists and digital
designers, for hands-on learning and collaboration on team projects. The
best projects will win $10,000 in seed grants and technology support.

*Register here:* *http://bit.ly/dBkampala <http://bit.ly/dBkampala>*
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