[ddj] RES: Journalism++ opens its first chapter outside of Europe

Thiago Reis thiago.reis at tvglobo.com.br
Fri Feb 27 14:41:21 UTC 2015

Long live to the agency!

Lucky to you, Marco Túlio and the others...


Thiago Reis
G1/TV Globo

De: data-driven-journalism [mailto:data-driven-journalism-bounces at lists.okfn.org] Em nome de Juan Torres
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2015 21:37
Para: data-driven-journalism at lists.okfn.org
Assunto: [ddj] Journalism++ opens its first chapter outside of Europe

Hi all,

This might be of special interest for Brazilians and other Latin Americans on the list. We are launching the first Journalism++ chapter outside of Europe, which is the first data journalism agency in Brazil. We are very excited about it. Here is the press release regarding the launching.

Please, feel free to contact me on private and get back with your feedbacks!



Across the Atlantic: Journalism++ opens its first chapter outside of Europe

Journalism++, the data journalism agency, opens its first chapter outside of Europe: Jornalismo++ São Paulo, also the first data journalism agency in Brazil. The Brazilian office will strenghthen current data journalism teams and lead projects of data-storytelling for news media organisations in the region, adding up to J++'s portfolio of award winning projects such as Datawrapper, Detective.io and Broken Promises.

Brazilian newsrooms are catching up to the data journalism revolution, although most of them still don't have the resources to hire professionals from different backgrounds, such as Computer and Data Science, Design and Social Network Analysis, to lead data-driven investigations. Jornalismo++ São Paulo is an effort to fill this gap with a handpicked team of experts with an extensive experience in major Brazilian newsrooms and data journalism projects. "We want to bring data journalism to Brazil, helping newsrooms that want to do good journalism with data, but don't have the manpower to do it in the short term", says Marco Túlio Pires, journalist and programmer, one of the founders of the chapter in São Paulo.

Besides Marco Túlio Pires, who also coordinates School of Data Brazil, the team in São Paulo is lead by four other professionals: Juan Torres, editor of city's desk at the Correio newspaper, the biggest in Salvador; Natália Mazotte, teacher assistant at the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas and also School of Data Brazil coordinator; Tiago Mali, Training Director at Brazil's Association for Investigative Journalism; and Thomaz Rezende, who worked as a programmer and designer for VEJA Magazine.

The name of the agency is a pun between a common operator in programming languages and journalism itself. "The operator '++' means 'plus one' to a certain numeric variable. In other words, we want Jornalismo++ to go beyond traditional journalism, even beyond what's already on the web. In our work, we increment journalism with skills from other areas, such as Computer Science, Design and Data Analysis", explains Natália.

Jornalismo++ São Paulo will also maintain a blog about Data Journalism (http://jornalismodedados.com) with the latest updates in the field for a Portuguese-speaking audience. For more information about J++ São Paulo visit their website: http://jmaismais.com/?lg=_en.

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