[ddj] ECHR ruling on data publication and its impact on datajournalism

Nicolas Kayser-Bril n.kayserbril at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 13:27:02 UTC 2015

Dear all,

I just stumbled upon a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights from
last week that seems to say that non-journalists cannot publish public data
on individuals in bulk.

Here's the ruling: http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng?i=001-156272

Here's my layman analysis: http://blog.nkb.fr/satamedia/

It seems to me that it could have tremendous impact on European datajournos
e.g by preventing us to publish databases of the indictments of German
politicians or a list of the properties owned by the richest Greeks.

Anyone has a lawyer available to see what the impact could be?

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