[ddj] Good examples of fiscal data visualisation?

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Sat Jun 27 14:32:42 UTC 2015

Thanks so much to everyone for sending in so many more great examples!

I've added suggestions from emails, mailing lists, social media and this
forum thread to the spreadsheet, and our collection now includes over 220

Here's the spreadsheet:

Here's the forum thread:

If anyone else has any more examples (particularly from geographical
regions which are currently under-represented, innovative visual forms, or
less prominently discussed aspects of fiscal policy) - we'd love to hear
about them.

Or if you have ideas about other people/organisations we could contact to
ask, please let me know.

Also interested in historical examples. On that note, here's an interesting
one from the US in 1830:

All the best,


On 13 June 2015 at 16:19, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm currently collecting examples of fiscal data visualisations for a
> research project. The project is looking at how different kinds of
> visualisations and visual elements are used to narrate public finances -
> whether by journalists, civil society organisations or public sector bodies.
> Once we have collected a decent corpus of examples, we will do a bit of
> analysis. In the medium term I hope this will become a useful reference for
> those interested in using data visualisation for advocacy and/or journalism
> around public finances.
> I've started out with an initial list of 165 different projects, but am
> keen to include:
>   * More examples from around the world;
>   * More examples of different kinds of visualisations and visual
> approaches - especially those that go beyond top-down overviews and
> spending over time;
>   * More examples of different types of stories and narratives around
> public finance. For example many projects focus on top beneficiaries or
> ranking departments, but I'm keen to see more compelling examples looking
> at things like tax revenue and tax distribution, comparisons of spending
> per capita in different areas, trans-national comparisons, etc.
> The list so far is available here:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xZraa0vR_90DXZIj7luvK_x19BH0adewZ3xLgb3ygpk/edit#gid=0
> If any of you can think of examples to add, please do pop me an email,
> ping me on Twitter (at @jwyg), or add to the following forum thread:
> https://discuss.okfn.org/t/good-examples-of-fiscal-data-visualisation/426
> Many thanks for your help!
> Jonathan
> --
> Jonathan Gray
> Director of Policy and Research | *@jwyg <https://twitter.com/jwyg>*
> Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/>
> *okfn.org <http://okfn.org/> | @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN>*


Jonathan Gray

Director of Policy and Research | *@jwyg <https://twitter.com/jwyg>*

Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/>

*okfn.org <http://okfn.org/> | @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN>*
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