[ddj] Endowed chair in data-driven journalism

Catherine D'Ignazio Catherine_Dignazio at emerson.edu
Mon Nov 2 20:53:28 UTC 2015

The S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University
seeks an experienced and innovative storyteller who understands data and
how to develop meaningful content of all kinds and for all platforms. This
prestigious, endowed position includes a budget and support to pursue
original projects while working with other professors and students at
Newhouse, across campus and at other universities. It includes classroom
teaching of our graduates and undergraduates in all of our relevant majors
in the communications field, including Magazine, Newspaper and Online, and
Broadcast and Digital Journalism, plus others.

This is a tenure appointment with full professor status for qualified
candidates beginning in Fall 2016.

Assistant Professor of Civic Media and Data Visualization, Emerson College
Fellow, Emerson Engagement Lab
Research Affiliate, MIT Center for Civic Media
www.kanarinka.com | @kanarinka | 617-501-2441
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