[ddj] Invitation - Data-driven storytelling on migration - Training - EYP - 2017

Anastasia Valeeva anastasiya.valeeva at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 06:20:29 UTC 2016

Dear all,

We are Anastasia and Nika from EYP <http://www.youthpress.org/>, an
international network of young media makers.

We are preparing a week-long data journalism training which will combine
acquiring data journalism skills and teamworking on real projects dedicated
for publication.

To make it possible, we are searching for the media partners.We need the
initial approval of media partners to apply for funding grants.

Becoming a media partner would mean sending a journalist for this event
(travel and accomodation costs will be covered), providing editorial
support during the week when your journalist will be working on a project
in a team; and final publication of result in your media.

In return, you get your journalist trained for in-depth data-driven
stories; and you receive a project which would be a result of week-long

The topic of the project would be the current migration issues.

The project is scheduled for the first half of 2017.

We want the final publications to be meaningful for particular national
audiences in Europe, therefore we are looking for media partners
from Germany, Poland, Latvia, Sweden, Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Hungary,
Serbia and Greece who are interested in the in-depth data-driven stories
about migration.

If you are interested to take part in the project or you know the media
that could be interested, please let us know.

We will gladly provide all the necessary details and information.

Looking forward to hear from you,

Kind regards,
*Anastasia VALEEVA, M.A.*
*Freelance Journalist*

+32 489 748 542   (BE)
+49 152 23506934 (DE)
+7 916 486 69 69  (RU)

anastasiya.valeeva at gmail.com
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