[ddj] Invitation - Data-driven storytelling on migration - Training - EYP - 2017

Ani Hovhannisyan anihovh at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 17:40:25 UTC 2016

Dear Anastasia and Nika,

I am a journalist from Armenia, I work at Investigative Journalists of
Armenia NGO, which publishes Hetq.am online newspaper. You can consider
both Hetq and me as partners from Armenia.
On Mar 31, 2016 7:51 PM, "Ronnie Wonder" <ronniewonder at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear  Anastasia,
> This good but seems it what work for publication in Uganda as you stated
> prefered countries.
> Please do keep me posted on subsequent openings.
> Regards,
> Ronnie
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Anastasia Valeeva <
> anastasiya.valeeva at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> We are Anastasia and Nika from EYP <http://www.youthpress.org/>, an
>> international network of young media makers.
>> We are preparing a week-long data journalism training which will combine
>> acquiring data journalism skills and teamworking on real projects dedicated
>> for publication.
>> To make it possible, we are searching for the media partners.We need the
>> initial approval of media partners to apply for funding grants.
>> Becoming a media partner would mean sending a journalist for this event
>> (travel and accomodation costs will be covered), providing editorial
>> support during the week when your journalist will be working on a project
>> in a team; and final publication of result in your media.
>> In return, you get your journalist trained for in-depth data-driven
>> stories; and you receive a project which would be a result of week-long
>> teamwork.
>> The topic of the project would be the current migration issues.
>> The project is scheduled for the first half of 2017.
>> We want the final publications to be meaningful for particular national
>> audiences in Europe, therefore we are looking for media partners
>> from Germany, Poland, Latvia, Sweden, Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Hungary,
>> Serbia and Greece who are interested in the in-depth data-driven stories
>> about migration.
>> If you are interested to take part in the project or you know the media
>> that could be interested, please let us know.
>> We will gladly provide all the necessary details and information.
>> Looking forward to hear from you,
>> Kind regards,
>> *Anastasia VALEEVA, M.A.*
>> *Freelance Journalist*
>> +32 489 748 542   (BE)
>> +49 152 23506934 (DE)
>> +7 916 486 69 69  (RU)
>> anastasiya.valeeva at gmail.com
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