[ddj] Using European data for better storytelling
Owens Kathryn
Kathryn.Owens at cor.europa.eu
Tue Sep 27 20:23:02 UTC 2016
EPP Group in the European Committee of the Regions / NEWS
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26 September 2016
Winter University
"Using European data for better storytelling"
Are you an early career journalist or a journalism student interested in data?
If so, the European People's Party Group in the European Committee of the Regions would like to invite you to share your experiences of finding, extracting and telling stories with data.
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WHO? Early career journalists, media students, EU and European data experts
WHAT? Winter University for media
WHEN? 23-24 November 2016
WHERE? European Committee of the Regions, Brussels
WHY? The EPP Group in the European Committee of the Regions is committed to supporting journalists and the latest media trends. Data has been described as the oil of the 21st century and has a vast potential for local and regional authorities. By working with the media, this event aims to establish whether open data can lead to more inclusive and transparent governments
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By providing easy and free access to data, the European Union wants to encourage innovation and unleash further economic potential. The EU institutions already have an extensive catalogue of open datasets, covering many different aspects, including politics, law, transparency and finance, which can be retrieved through the EU Open Data Portal. Open data sets from the different levels of government are also becoming increasingly available on the European Data Portal. With the rise of interest in open data, a few, innovative journalists are beginning to tell powerful stories and to back them up with interactive graphics.
The ninth edition of the EPP-CoR Winter University will provide a platform to share experiences of data journalism and the potential of EU open data to break stories. The event will conclude with a debate on the links between open data and data journalism's contribution to the transparency of government.
Deadline: 15 October 2016
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Note for editors: The EPP Group is a leading force in the European Committee of the Regions; a consultative body which was created in 1994 to give locally and regionally elected representatives of government a say over the content of EU legislation.
Copyright © 2016 EPP Group in the European Committee of the Regions, All rights reserved.
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