[ddj] four visualizations from data mining online news at massive scale

kalev leetaru kalev.leetaru5 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 17:28:17 UTC 2017

I thought many of you would find of interest four of my latest pieces on
what we can learn about the global structure of the news media landscape
through massive mining of that content. In particular, two of the analyses
rely on applying deep learning cataloging to more than a quarter-billion
global news photographs from last year, one examines a quarter-billion news
articles and 2.2 billion location mentions to map global happiness through
the eyes of the world's media and the final looks at three quarters of a
billion outlets from 121 million news articles over the last 10 months to
create a network visualization of the linking behavior of the world's news

Thought these might serve as inspiration to some of you as to what's
possible today in new frontiers of data journalism.





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