[ddj] Join the Story Hunt Workshops!

Anna Alberts anna.alberts at okfn.de
Mon May 15 11:27:26 UTC 2017

Dear All,

For all (aspiring) data-journalists in Berlin.

Next week Open Knowledge Germany starts a series of workshops for Data
Journalism here in Berlin: the Story Hunt <https://storyhunt.de/>.

In short: 5 workshops providing a start with Data Journalism.

Every Tuesday from the 23th of May until the 20th of June: 18:15 - 20:30.

Where: OKF-DE Office, Singerstrasse 109,  Berlin

We have a few places left, so sign up now

Best wishes,

Anna & Helene


More Information:

The Story Hunt: a series of *Workshops* and an *Expedition Weekend* in

The workshops are tailored to aspiring data journalists and non-profit
organizations that are interested in improving their data-literacy skills.
They are run by our team and by trusted members of the civic tech community
in Germany.

Learn essential data-skills such as *finding, scraping, cleaning,
analysing,* and *visualising* data and apply you newly-developed skills in
the Story Hunt!

We offer 5 weekly workshops, each 2 hours, starting on 23 May 2017

Where: OKF-DE Office, Singerstrasse 109 - 3th Floor, Berlin

*1. GETTING STARTED -  23 MAY 2017 - 18:15 - 20:30*

The first meeting will be an introduction on the upcoming topics and the
Structure of the ESIF data. We will present inspiring data-driven stories
to get your creativity flowing.

Guest Speaker: Simon Jockers

*2. ASKING QUESTIONS AND FINDING DATA - 30 MAY 2017 18:15 - 20:30*

Starting with the basics of data, we will show you where to find data and
how to ask questions to datasets using simple spreadsheets.

*3. SCRAPING & CLEANING DATA -  6 JUNE 2017 - 18:15 - 20:30*

In this workshop we explain the basics of scraping data from the web and
show you how to clean these often messy datasets with tools such as
OpenRefine or LibreOffice.

18:15 - 20:30*

Statistics have a bad reputation of being difficult and manipulative. In
this workshop we will show why you should use statistics and how they can
help you validate your data. We will run basic functions for first analysis.

*5. VISUALISING DATA -  20 JUNE 2017 - 18:15 - 20:30*

Data comes to life in visualisations. In this workshop we will discuss
basic principles of design and data visualisations.

Guest Speaker: Lisa Rost <http://lisacharlotterost.de/>

Anna Alberts, Project Manager OpenBudgets.eu
Open Knowledge Foundation Germany
www.okfn.de | info at okfn.de | @okfde
anna.alberts at okfn.de <info at okfn.de> | @Anna_Alberts
Office: +49 30 57703666 0
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