[ddj] Food Authority data journalism advice request
Savanna Reid
inkwell_11 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 26 08:42:51 UTC 2018
Hi, this message is in reply to the request from Attaullah Khan copied below.
For a crash course in public health data science, I would try Coursera's Statistical Reasoning for Public Health 1: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation | Coursera, which can be accessed free if you audit the course (i.e., no tutoring/feedback from instructor, but all other materials provided). This covers the first half of a college level biostatistics course, and can be followed by Statistical Reasoning for Public Health 2: Regression Methods | Coursera - both courses were developed by Johns Hopkins, a trusted research university in the public health field.
As far as free apps go, MS Excel 2003 is free through gmail and has regression and ANOVA capabilities in Windows Livemail I believe:http://people.hws.edu/halfman/excel-demo/linear-regression.html
Excel Tutorials
Many health departments lean heavily on Excel's Pivot Tables feature for internal analysis of data of the kind you are working with:http://www.reading.ac.uk/web/files/www_File_Library/Using_Pivot_Tables_in_Microsoft_Excel_2003.pdf
One advantage to using a program like excel is the options you have for layering data in relational tables: Excel databases: Creating relational tables
Google sheets offers functionalities that are increasingly competitive with Excel's and go beyond Excel in options for geospatial data analytics, but I am not a good source of info on this resource.
Vanderbilt university offers a free app for power calculations you'll need to run before deciding whether your sample size for a given statistical test is adequate: PowerSampleSize < Main < Vanderbilt Biostatistics Wiki
For free apps that cover a wide range of statistical tests relevant to public health, you might try: BioStat 2009 Free Download or USMLE Biostatistics - Apps on Google Play
Also, bookmark a good biostatistics glossary like this one: http://www.medicalbiostatistics.com/Glossary.pdf
And use Tableau Public for visualizations: Tableau Public
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Tableau Public
Tableau Public is free software that can allow anyone to connect to a spreadsheet or file and create interactive...
Hope this helps!
Best regards,Savanna ReidMPH, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Original message:
Dear All
I am working as communication Officer for a government owned organisation named Food Authority. we have inspections, improvement notices, warning notices, fines, licenses, adulteration in many food businesses so how can i use this data for data journalism and how can i visualize it and what free apps can i use for it.? ?
| | | Attaullh Khan
Freelance Multimedia Journalist +923459109905 | attaullahjournalist.wordpress.com | Skype: journalease
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