[data.edu.au] OPDs
Christopher Gutteridge
cjg at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Nov 19 15:32:50 UTC 2014
What I'm more interested in that CKAN repositories is good solid URIs
that can enable linked data between universities. eg. these sites:
http://learning-provider.data.ac.uk/ and http://academic-session.data.ac.uk/
On 19/11/2014 02:02, Simon Brennan wrote:
> Hi Christopher
> I'm not sure of the status of data.edu.au <http://data.edu.au>. Things
> went quiet back in May and I haven't seen very much since on the
> mailing list.
> I was on loan as a technical resource, but I haven't seen much happen.
> However you'll be interested to know that there is a South Australian
> version of CKAN running.
> https://data.sa.edu.au/
> We currently have one dataset available, but there are more lining up
> to join in.
> Regards
> **Simon Brennan**
> Computer Specialist (Systems)
> CRICOS Provider Number 00123M
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> Think green: read on the screen.
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 10:01 PM, Christopher Gutteridge
> <cjg at ecs.soton.ac.uk <mailto:cjg at ecs.soton.ac.uk>> wrote:
> Hello to my Austrailian peers!
> I thought I'd share some of what we've been up to at data.ac.uk
> <http://data.ac.uk>. First of all, everything we do is Free & Open
> Source, so you can resuse, improve or just study any bit of what
> we've done if that's helpful. I hope that long term our tools, or
> their spiritual descendants, become more generic and can be
> deployed more easily and widely.
> The big news is http://opd.data.ac.uk/ which collects
> auto-discovered open data profiles from an organisation. It's very
> simple, easy to extend and allows systems to avoid having a
> single-point-of-failure hub/aggregator.
> Also we've negotiated with the people who run the .ac.uk
> <http://ac.uk> domain and now have access to the list of all
> domains, but not formal permission to use it, just implicit. We've
> used this to build a tool which 'observes' the homepage of every
> domain and collects some useful statistics and data. We publish
> this as a big JSON file once a week, but don't do much with it yet.
> <http://observatory.data.ac.uk/> -- at some point we'll find the
> time or help to build a real front end for it and I think people
> will be amazed at how useful it will be.
> Over the summer, we had an intern build an RSS aggregator over all
> of the RSS feeds discovered by the observatory, and this simple
> but useful tool is available at <http://rss.data.ac.uk>
> Finally, we're coming to the end of our funding to launch and
> promote <http://equipment.data.ac.uk/> which has been a distinct
> success, and we're hoping that some similar project can keep the
> team funded after it ends.
> (other than equipment.data, none of this work is funded and is
> done by me in between my "real" work.)
> So, how's it going with data in edu.au?
> --
> Christopher Gutteridge --http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/cjg
> University of Southampton Open Data
> Service:http://data.southampton.ac.uk/
> You should read the ECS Web Team
> blog:http://blogs.ecs.soton.ac.uk/webteam/
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Christopher Gutteridge -- http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/cjg
University of Southampton Open Data Service: http://data.southampton.ac.uk/
You should read the ECS Web Team blog: http://blogs.ecs.soton.ac.uk/webteam/
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