[datahub-discuss] Datahub.io planning meeting (3rd Jan 2014).

Ross Jones ross at servercode.co.uk
Tue Dec 31 12:04:52 UTC 2013


As we’re entering a new year, it’s about time we started seriously planning what, and how, we intend to improve datahub.io now that we have mostly done away with the vast majority of the spam(mers).

To this end we’re planning an online meetup on Friday 3rd January 2014 at 10AM (UCT) to discuss plans and suggestions for moving forward.  There’s a draft agenda available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zIhwhVgsgdL_W8OVoMgXVQtQOrdbwBs-z4t2tTG80-A/edit?usp=sharing if you feel you want to contribute.

If you’d like to be invited to the call, please (probably off-list) let me know your Skype username.  If the time is inconvenient and you *really* want to be involved, please let us know on-list and we’ll see if we can move it later in the day.



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